12 Hacks to help you beat Facebook’s Algorithm

Oh Facebook and your crazy algorithm updates. Way to keep us entrepreneurs on our toes!! Well guess what you guys...as much as Facebook likes to change things up, these details are usualy minor to the big picture, and today I'm sharing with you not just my hacks for social media, but my basic business principles for building infuence. They all go hand in hand, and this here is the winning combo...so let's dive right in! 

Facebook Hack 1

Friend up 5 new people a day. Grow your circle of influence and grow your list. Don't add more than 10 new friends a day or it'll hurt your visibility Remember Facebook rewards popular posts. Your new friends don't know you yet so they will not be as interactive. In other words you want to slowly add friends to make sure you don't have a complete drop in visibility


Like and comment on others posts. You have to give to recieve, so do for others what you wish they would do for you. There isn't a set amount of time to spend before posting but the new changes reward those who are active so I spend a good 10 minutes liking and commenting before I post. It follows the give give give receive rule. I do however create my posts and have them ready to go before I engage and I set a timer to keep me focused. Otherwise I could get lost in my scroll.


Don't post more than 3 times a day. If a so called social media expert tells you differently they are outdated. I prefer once in the mid morning and once in the evening...anything inbetween goes in my stories. You'll need to test the time of day that works best for you.


Spread out your posts. Don't post and then post again an hour later. Now your posts are competing against each other. Let your post run its course. If a post ends up having a lot of engagement you should consider not posting again that day. And I never respond to the comments immediately. Give your post some time to run it's course, and than return later in the day to engage.


Facebook wants to Take Over Snapchat so the algorithm now rewards those who use Stories. Stories are great way for others to get to see more of YOU and your life...I like to take people through my day, show them the behing the scenes, share products I use, or aha moments I have. I recommend updating your stories 2 hrs apart.


Never leave a link in your post unless it is a paid ad. Facebook doesn't want you leaving their site. Haven't you ever noticied that your posts with links in them don't get much traction. Instead leave your link in the comments.


Facebook is cluttered. Unclutter your feed by staying friends with people you like, but if you don't care to see their posts, you can "unfollow".  Click on "see first" for the people you really want to follow and click close friends whose content you absolutely want to see. (you get up to 30). Those you click on as close friends will be the one's you get an instant notification everytime they post. I recommend creating lists and organizing your friends list so you can stay better in touch and this will help your chosen audience see more of you.


Have a well done profile pic and cover photo. This is the first thing people see when they go to your Facebook page. First impressions are important. New potential friends are much more likely to accept your friend request when you have a sharp looking profile and cover photo and if they can identify that you are a real person. It doesnt have to be a professional head shot, but it should appear professional in quality.


Unless you have way too many comments try to reply to everyone who comments on your posts, and tag them back. This shows appreciation and encourages these same people to comment more. It also boosts the interaction on your post which then shows your post to more people by sending it back into the news feed.


Be consistent in posting everyday. And I don't just mean by the time of day you post or how often. That's impotant too, but the consistency with who you are and your message is important. When your audience is exposed over and over to your message and they are able to get a strong sense of who you are, they are more likely to trust you.

  • Be positive
  • Be Authentic
  • check
    Be vulnerable
  • check
    Be Humoruous
  • check
    Be insightful

Hint: Don't always just share quotes or pics, but share your insights on that quote or topic. Don't always share about your business insights. Share your life and who you are! Mix it up and be authentic with your stories. That's what makes you unique!

>>Download my FREE Social Media Guide to go deeper into building a consistent brand and message that will attract more people to you. >>

Cold Market


Add emojis to every post. One study says emojis increase engagement by over 33%. But don't overdue it or your posts will look immature.


Don't copy and paste other people's content. Facebook punishes you for it, and the best copy cat wins does not apply to social media. Sure if you are inspired by a post, you can model it. Or if you want to share an image you see to your space, go for it. But give credit where credit is due. I see people who follow me use my images or posts and they don't even say "whats up". Come on people, social media is all about making friends. I'm honoured that you like my content, but it's not cool when you try to pass it off as your own word for word. An original is always better when you're building a brand.


If likes, comments and shares aren't making you on Facebook you are doing it wrong.
It isn't about being famous, its about building influence and making an impact. If you have all the followers, but you're not making sales and bringing people onboard, there's a disconnect in your process. 

  • It is about connection and growing your tribe
  • Heart Circle
    It is about listening to your audience and understanding their needs
  • It is about growing your brand and  influence
  • It's about building trust
  • Heart Circle
    It is about showing your authenticity and CREATING YOUR VOICE

Facebook is a fantastic way to build your network and automate your processese, but you still have to have REAL conversations. When you're vibing with someone, and they are showing interst in your content, transition to Facebook Messenger to connect. Have a conversation and see where it goes. Remember to be a human first and a marketer second.


you have to ASK!

  • Ask for them to look at your product 
  • Ask for them to look at your business 
  • No ASKY ... NO GETTY

Not every one will say yes, but if you do it properly, you'll still have friends at the end of the day!

Focus on doing these consistently and you will never have to worry about Facebook updating their alogorithm. Our technology changes all the tie, but the principles of networking and building business are simple and remain the same. 

Recommended resources for growing your business on Facebook

What would it be like for you if your content was pre-scheduled and done for you? What if you could sit down once a week, or once a month, schedule out your pre-planned content, and have your business run on autopilot for you? We all know that 80% of your business time should be spent marketing your business, but we also know time is money. So a win win is being able to build influence, be visible, but save both time and money on your marketing efforts. If that soundds like the ideal combo, this program is for you. 

Cold Market

Cold Market
Cold Market

Did this help you? Do you have a friend who would get some VALUE from this? Please share the love. The more we raise the bar on how we do business on social, the better of an experience it's going to be for everyone. xo Johanna

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  • 4 Ways to build trust with your audience and get better results in your business Click Here
  • Join My Free Facebook Mastermind Group Click Here

About Johanna Hunt

I teach entrepreneur minded professionals how to create abundance of time, freedom, health, and financial security. I have a multi faceted business in the Health and Wellness Niche, and my specialty is in online marketing and simple social media strategies.

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