My Best Tips to Rock your Network Marketing Business 

Incase you don’t know my story, I’m going to start by sharing my journey in Network Marketing to give you a deeper understanding of what I’ve learned over the years and why I’m so passionate about training in this profession.

I got started in NWM in 2012 when our eldest daughter was 2 months old. I was a traditional entrepreneur prior working for large sporting events in the ski and mountain bike industry. I had spent 10 years working towards my goal of becoming part of the Olympic Team for 2010 in Vancouver. With events requiring late nights and weekends, I knew I needed to find a way to still contribute financially to our family, but be home with our baby girl.

I was reading a lot and had been learning about how to create passive and residual income, so I was actually looking for a business model like network marketing, where I could leverage my time and build something online.

How it all started

I remember going to my first hotel meeting, seeing the presentation, and thinking gosh… if these bitties can do this, I can definitely do this lol. I came into this profession with a huge ego, thinking I would go right to the top of the business. But the truth is I climbed quickly to level 2 of 4 and than I stayed stuck…for 6 years!!!  I made enough to justify to keep going and be home with our girls, but I kept thinking to myself, something we are doing here isn’t right. 

Despite all the personal development,  and countles trainings I attended I just couldn’t move forward. And to be honest, I dreaded the activity…doing the meetings and home parties were not for me. I did it because I wanted to be successful, but I didn’t enjoy it. This model didn’t allow for the freedom and flexibility I was looking for, nor did I feel like I had any control over my results. How can you build a business that relies on the favours of your friends and family?

This voice inside kept telling me there was a better way, so I started investing in online courses and looking for mentorship else where because my upline was unwilling to embrance newer and more modern ways of doing things. I was determined to succeed in this biz, and I was willing to invest in myself to do it in a way that felt authentic to me. 

How it all changed

Fast forward to last fall, I came across John and Nadya meltons ATM system, and their live video challenge. I started implementing what they we’re teaching and for the first time in 6 years I felt like I was learning how this business actually works and I was having fun! My side lines we’re catching on to my success and I even shared with them what I was doing, and people started winning online. Last November, I had my biggest month ever in my last company…and that was when I realized I was in the wrong place.

I wasn’t satisfied with my results and something was missing for me. After doing some soul searching, I realized it was the leadership, support, community that had me craving more. I had lost that loving feeling. Plus, now I had everyone coming to me for help, leveraging my knowledge, and I was working all the time with little leverage. 

That’s when I made a decision it was time for a new home, where I could have the things that were missing for me. I was scared to start over, rebuild, and explore a new comfort zone. But I knew I had to if I was going to build something big, and have the support I needed to do that. I reached out to John Melton, and I tell you I have never looked back. I realized quickly that although I had a ton of knowledge about social media marketing and branding, I knew very little about how to create success in network marketing… until this year.

I teach you a lot about skill set and mindset, but what do these look like together?

How to start getting results in your own business

Trust the process and make a decision to be all in, no matter what or how long it takes. There is so much amazing training available at our finger tip, that there is really no excuse not to succeed. Plug into the training and decided to be coachable. Learn to lead yourself and than lead your team from the front. I never expect my team to do anything I’m not willing to do. Humble yourself to the simple process that is network marketing, and just do the activity. 

Tip 1: Leverage the tools

Leverage the tools.Your job should only require you to show up every day and provide value,  build relationships and ask people if they’re open. You should then be pointing them to a recorded presentation and any FAQs and testimonials your company has. If you have videos to present your products and opportunity, use them. If there are training calls for your team, get your team on them.

And if you don’t have tools, create them. This will save you so much time and help you create more duplicaton. I was trying to be the expert go to on all things our comany. This was killing my business, and sucking up all my time. And it’s really hard to get your team to do this, because no one really has enough time. The goal in network marketing is to work smarter not harder, so if you find yourself repeating the same things over and over, you need a tool.

Tip 2: Be your authentic self

Be willing to be vulnerable and put yourself out there as your authentic self. People need to hear your story, your struggle and how you overcame it. Your story is what makes you stand out. Don’t try and be perfect,  instead aim for relateable. No one wants to be friends with perfection. Take people on your transformation journey by walking the walk with your products and business. Yes this means being bold and brave. This action will require personal growth, but your confidence will come from the daily action you take. Faith it forward.

Tip 3: Become a professional networker

Just posting on Facebook is not going to be enough for you to move quickly through your business. You need to have a mix of both active and passive marketing. Yes, you need to be posting but you also need to be in messenger. The conversations you have in messenger connecting with people will bring you more value to your posts and this is what humanizes your marketing.

Become a master of knowing how to connect and ask people if they are open. Get good at listening for the need. Compliment your people, share your vision, and meet them where they are at. Find a win win for everyone and always be looking for that next step. Upleveling these skills moved me from recruiting 1 new person a month if I was lucky, to recruiting 3-6 per month and growing a dream team of like minded, driven entrepreneurs.

  • Don’t be afraid to go the distance for people. 
  • Get on the phone
  • Hold their hand if they need you to.
  • Create a buddy system
  • Do challenges and campaigns with your team
  • Be available for your people, show up with love and be their support.

Recommended Resources for building your brand on social media

Download My Free Social Media Guide and Daily Method of Operation Checklist 

Did this help you? Do you have a friend who would get some VALUE from this? Please share the love. The more we raise the bar on how we do business on social, the better of an experience it’s going to be for everyone. xo Johanna

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About Johanna Hunt

I teach entrepreneur minded professionals how to create abundance of time, freedom, health, and financial security. I have a multi faceted business in the Health and Wellness Niche, and my specialty is in online marketing and simple social media strategies.

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