How to attract ideal leads into your business

Let’s talk about attraction marketing and how to attract the right kind of people into your home business…whether you're looking for the right kind of customer or whether you're looking to build your team of leaders. So how do you do that? 

This is the stuff that I teach my team that's working really well for us. So I hope you get a ton of value, and don’t forget to pick up my free social media guide as well while you’re here. 

So let's talk about marketing. A lot of people confuse social media marketing with selling, and It's not the same thing. Funny enough, one of the things I often hear is I don't want to sell, I'm not good at sales. I don't want to sell stuff to my friends and family. Which totally makes sense because you can't build a business off the backs of your friends and family. But then what do they do when they start sharing on social media? Selling!!

I spend a lot of my time reframing people's beliefs around Social Media Marketing and what that actually looks like for Network Marketers and Affiliates.

So attraction marketing…this is also known as passive marketing. This is something you do where you put things out there and you hope that it's going to attract people back. You hope people are going to respond. You hope they're going to ask questions. You're hoping to generate leads. And you do this through what we call content creation…

  • This is a status update on your social media. 
  • This is a live video. 
  • This is putting out a blog post or a YouTube video. 
  • This is being featured on a podcast interview or hosting your own podcast. 
  • This is running ads on Instagram or Facebook
  • Or participating in communities by sharing value
  • This is creating stories

These are all passive ways of marketing yourself and what you do, and they should be created to lead with value. But what I see a lot of people doing is they're marketing their product or their service directly. Yes there are times where you want to do that and you do want to have direct messaging and a clear call to action, sometimes.

But most of the time, you don't want to be speaking directly about your product or your service. And it's not because you're trying to hide something. It's because no-one comes to social media to buy products. In fact, people do not buy products or a service. They buy a belief system. They buy the things, that based on their beliefs, will improve their overall outcome…improve their business or improve their personal life. So all of your content should be on purpose and it should be speaking to the benefits of your product and how those benefits solve their problem. You need to cast a vision for how you can help them.

  • Why do they need it? 
  • What problems do you solve?
  • What are your beliefs about what you do and how you help people?

Now a lot of network marketers and affiliates want to be focused on just the positive stuff about their business and their opportunity. But I encourage you to actually talk about some of the negative stuff too. Some of the objections and hesitations and belief systems that your audience might have around the stigma of say network marketing….or the stigma of weight loss or anti-aging right. Here’s the deal, everyone has a story when it comes to your type of  product or service, and most people haven't only positive experiences. 

I have had many people tell me, some who have joined my business as a social marketer or as a customer, that I have changed their perspective completely on the profession because of how I share and the real expectations I set. When someone gives me an objection or has a hesitation, I am actively listening and feeling how they might be feeling, and this is an opportunity for me to be curious and ask more questions. I will say to them…hmm, sounds to me like there is a story there…so let's talk a little bit about what you’ve experienced, and what might be different here, and then you can make the best educated decision for you.

People can feel the difference when you make your business about helping them instead of  making it about you. When they can feel how much you care about helping them solve their problems, that's when you'll have their attention and respect, and thats how you build your value in their eyes.

When you know how to show people the value you bring through your business, and when you know who you serve and how you serve them, creating content that attracts your ideal lead becomes a piece of cake. And how exactly do you do that? I break it all down here inside this video and share some stories and examples of how I’ve done this to build my dream team!

So a lot of what content creation is, is educating your people on what to expect and overcoming their hesitations and objections, as well as reframing their beliefs. And you can do this by asking yourself these questions:

  • What are some of your beliefs? 
  • What is your vision? 
  • What are your values and ethics? 
  • What were your hesitations?
  • What were the problems you were wanting to solve?

And these are things that you need to share in your content so that you can find people who resonate with you, who think like you, and desire the same results as you. 

Recommended Resources 

  • Visibility, Credibility, and Endless Content that Converts your Followers into Buyers Click Here 
  • Get paid to learn how to build an online business Click Here
  • Build your business 100% using Social Media Learn More

Did this help you? Do you have a friend who would get some VALUE from this? Please share the love. The more we raise the bar on how we do business on social, the better of an experience it's going to be for everyone. xo Johanna

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About Johanna Hunt

I teach entrepreneur minded professionals how to create abundance of time, freedom, health, and financial security. I have a multi faceted business in the Health and Wellness Niche, and my specialty is in online marketing and simple social media strategies.

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