5 Easy Steps to Building a Brand

Before I teach you the 5 easy steps to building a brand, I want to share with you why it's so important to brand you and not your company as an influencer affiliated with a company. First of all, when you are affiliated with a company, you are in direct competition with others affiliated with that company as well as others within your niche. You need a way to distinguish yourself from your competitors and clarity what you offer as an individual that makes you the better choice. Personal Branding builds the know like and trust factor consumers need in order to associate with you and what you offer. Make sense? Great lets get started!

Building a Brand: Decide what you want to be known for

You might have been told that anyone with a pulse or skin is your ideal prospect for your product or opportunity, but that simply isn't true. Your brand and what you offer will not resonate with everyone, and its easy to get caught up in trying to please everyone and diluting what you stand for and what you want to be known for. Trying to be all the things to everyone is exhausting and it complicated the lead generation process unnecessarily. Having a vision for how you help people and what you want to be known for is the first step in the brand design process.

5 easy steps to building a brand

Building a Brand: Choose your niche

Once you've made a decision on what you want to be known for, you want to choose your niche. Some of that work has already been done in the last step because now you have an idea of how you help people. But here you want to think specifically about the types of people who may need your help. How do you define who your niche is? First of all think about who you ideal customer or business partner is. Consider who has the problems that you want to be known for solving. Think about the demographic traits they share.

Building a Brand: What are their problems and how do you solve them

Now I want you to think about your ideal customer and think about how you solve their problem with your product. And I don't just mean the solutions that your product offers, but how to you serve their emotional needs? How do you help them overcome their doubts, fears, and objections? What are their beliefs about the problems you solve, the problems they have, and the products you offer? 

Building a Brand: Craft your Content plan

Once you have your vision in place and you know how you help people solve their problems and what you want to be known for, you can start to craft your content plan. Your content plan needs to include your story, your message to your audience, and the ways you can help them. Here you want to share FAQs, common beliefs of your niche, your unique perspectives of your profession and products, and solutions for how you can help them. You may want to then plan out themes for each day of the week, as well as a weekly featured video, blog, or live.

Building a Brand: Discover where these people are hanging out and start expanding your network

Ok so now you know everything you need to know about your brand, who it serves and how it solves their problems. Now you want to think about where they are hanging out and start drawing them over to your platform of choice. Typically the way I do this is by looking at who my direct competition is, or what interests my niche has and who they may be following.

  • What blogs are they reading? 
  • Which podcasts are they listening to?
  • What Facebook groups are they part of?
  • Which influencers are they following on social media?
  • What forums may they be participating in? 

Ideally you want to get in and participate in the conversation in these places on a regular basis, and once you have built up some credibility, or a relationship with the influencer or facilitator of these groups, get yourself featured in their platform. This can be through fb live interviews, podcast interviews, blog features, shared posts, threads, and other collaborations.

Recommended Resources for building your brand on social media

Get lifetime access to the Authentic Influencer Marketing Academy Course Click Here

Get in front of your ideal customers in less time Click Here

Want to get featured on Podcasts? Click Here

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About Johanna Hunt

I teach entrepreneur minded professionals how to create abundance of time, freedom, health, and financial security. I have a multi faceted business in the Health and Wellness Niche, and my specialty is in online marketing and simple social media strategies.

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