3 Solid and Leveraged Strategies to help you Grow your Professional Network

Growing and expanding your professional network is one of the key cornerstones to gaining more visibility and creating long term success in your business. I was fortunate enough to learn by the age of 20 that who you know is as important as what you know. But who you are willing to meet and understanding how you will serve your niche is also vital. Developing professional relationships is and will always be a fundamental principle of marketing and sales, so network expansion is a must and should be a priority. But how do you do this in a way that enables you to expand your reach, get in front of the right people, and still have time for your income producing activities?

Traditionally a business would grow through different mediums of marketing and advertising, but in today's business climate, word of mouth marketing and social media branding are where it's at. So you need to be focused on developing and growing professional relationships with your ideal audience, and with other entrepreneurs and influencers who already have your ideal audience. In today's episode we're going to discuss the one to one approach and the one to many approach and how to use them simultaneously to maximize your marketing efforts in a leveraged way.

Expand Your Network in Social Media Communities

Online communities are the direction social platforms are headed, and although this is not a new concept for most of us, it's a concept we need to take far more seriously if we want to take the one to many approach in finding our ideal customers. The reason communities are so important is because it brings together like minds to spark and engage in conversation and develop trust amongst one another. It's the new networking event, but it's conveniently online, and its highly targeted, making it more intentional and effective.

Developing professional  relationships is all about putting your face in front of the same group of people to expose them to your brand, and improve awareness of your business. Sure you can spend every night out shaking hands and kissing babies (and I used to do that) or you can hop into 3-5 groups and participate in the conversation, engage, offer value, and gain visibility with the people who are looking for what you offer. I recommend setting aside 30 min a day to hop into groups and be helpful, insightful, or funny. Take a little time to engage in the conversations that are taking place, read other peoples comments, offer feedback, and if you connect well with someone friend them up. 

Bonus tip: If you have a piece of content that is working really well for your audience and it aligns with the purpose of the group, post it in the group. Or post a thought provoking questions. I would recommend doing this 1-2 times per week. I also like to search key words for content I've created in the group, and then connect with people who are looking for my expertise and direct them back to my free trainings and offers.

Expand your Network through Suggested Friends and Followers

This is a super simple way of expanding your network with the click of a button, and this can be done on any platform that has your ideal audience. For me I really prefer the Facebook Ecosystem and Instagram, and although I have a presence on multiple platforms leading back to my offers, I am only active in these spaces.

Now, if you have not been posting or doing live video publicly, and you haven't been networking inside of groups, then your suggested friends will likely be limited within 1 degree of separation. But if you're doing the right work to grow your brand, ie creating content and providing value consistently publicly, you will have new people filtering into your suggested friends. To get into a solid passive marketing routine, I recommend 2 posts a day, 1 value packed live a week, and 5 story clips per day with 2 hours in between. If you want my exact formula for an active and passive marketing routine, make sure you Download my Free Social Media Guide. This will help you rig the algorithm in your favour, and diversify your suggest friends.

Take time each day to check out who is being recommended, spend a few minutes pre-profiling them, and decide if this is someone you want to connect and build a relationship with. The more you show up on your platform and inside of communities, the more friendship requests and followers you'll receive, which will make this strategy more leveraged. And its better for your algorithm when people friend you up.

Bonus: Here is a popular Live Video Training I did on Facebook where I get into the details of how I expand and connect with my network. Click Here to Watch the Training

Expand Your Network with Podcasting

Last but not least, I am excited to share with you my most recent strategy that is tying this all together for me and where I am excited to really increase exposure to my brand, my social channels, and my offers. We all know Podcasts are HOT right now, and growing exponentially as a medium. My mindset around Marketing is this..although the mediums we use change over time, the principles of marketing remain the same. It's important to stay relevant in the market place, but it's also important to choose strategies that have a long term opportunity rather than moving from one trend to the next. And that's what I saw when I looked at podcasting as a growth strategy for my business. Visibility equals credibility, and being featured in interviews gives you a slight edge when you're introduced and recommended to an audience by a 3rd party.

So most people think they need to create or host a podcast in order to grow and expand their audience with podcasting, but a fantastic way to approach the one to many strategy is by being hosted on a show. Now I was aware of these opportunities having been hosted as a guest on other social platforms and inside of other masterminds and summits, but I never really thought much about making podcast interviews a strategy in my business until a few months ago when I was introduced to a program called The Podcast Pitch Assistant. I was immersed in the one funnel away challenge at the time, and my take away from those 30 days was choosing strategies that focus on the one to many vs the one to one approach. So the program definitely caught my eye immediately. 

The concept of this program is not to give you one more thing to do, but to leverage the expertise of professionals to get you featured on shows, and outsource this part of your marketing in a smart way through a form of Public Relations. In the program you learn how to hire a virtual assistant to take on the role of researching and pitching you to hosts of podcast shows who have already established their brand and ideal audience that you are looking to get in front of. Your job is to then show up, have a real conversation with the host and offer value in your area of expertise. The benefit to you is getting your story and brand in front of the right people, which done well will drive traffic back to your platforms and offers. 

Now most courses you buy, you have to invest time to learn the skills and strategies before you can start taking action, and there is usually a minimum 3-6 month turn around before you start seeing results after implementation. What I loved about this program was how leveraged it was and how efficiently I started to get pitched and booked on shows.

So here is how it works:

Instead of me having to carve out time to learn, research, and pitch these shows myself, I spent a couple hours learning how to find, interview and hire a Virtual Assistant. My Virtual Assistant then plugs into the course and is coached by the agency on how to interview me as the expert, research and find my ideal audience and show, how to position and pitch me to the host, how to organize and set up my bookings, and how to prepare me for the show. In addition to the course, they attend weekly coaching calls with the agency to review their research and pitch emails, and make sure they are staying on track to get you as many bookings as you've requested.

What a fantastic way to leverage your time and the expertise of a  professional podcast producing agency to coach your VA to be a public relations expert on your behalf. This is outsourcing at it's best, and this marketing strategy allows you to get in front of one to many, be influential to the right audience, and it frees up your time to focus on you doing what you do best in your business - serving your ideal audience and servicing your clients. For me it was a no brainer, and I'm sure once you check out this free training, you'll feel the same way.

Snag this FREE Training to learn more about getting featured on Podcasts to your ideal Audience, so you can become famously influential to the right people...in a highly leveraged way.

Enter your name and best email below for this free training

Recommended Resources for building your brand on social media

Download My Free Social Media Guide for Home Business Owners 

Compelling Content that converts: Download my Free Content Guide with over 50 topics Click Here

Did this help you? Do you have a friend who would get some VALUE from this? Please share the love. The more we raise the bar on how we do business on social, the better of an experience it's going to be for everyone. xo Johanna

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About Johanna Hunt

I teach entrepreneur minded professionals how to create abundance of time, freedom, health, and financial security. I have a multi faceted business in the Health and Wellness Niche, and my specialty is in online marketing and simple social media strategies.

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