4 Cost Affective Strategies to Grow Your Home Business…

There are 100's of ways you can grow your business in network marketing, and in any business where you are your personal brand. I have tried them all. I followed the system, I did the tradeshows and home parties, I networked, I did hotel presentations, and I even pulled a few of my own promotional stunts - which you will have to buy me drinks to hear about those shameful memories! But here is what I've found - do the strategies that speak to your strengths. I was introduced to network marketing and my company through social media and a relationship with someone I know, like and trust. This was the vision I had for building my own business, to be online while raising our children, and setting ourselves up for a lifetime of travel so we could see our family on all 4 continents! So heres the deal, don't try to do all strategies, its exhausting. I pick 2-3 and I spend 80% of my time passively and actively marketing online.

Social Media Recruiting

This is one of the most convenient and simple strategies that won’t cost you a dime, but there is a skill set to it, and if you do it wrong you’ll risk either losing friends or being put in Facebook Jail. I’m pretty sure every single one of us who got started in NWM did this one wrong, I know I did, but I quickly realized that posting pictures of my company’s products and status updates with “join my team” is just not effective and although you started out not wanting to sell to your friends, that is exactly what you’re doing with this strategy. Social Media Recruiting is all about connection and building relationships. It’s about growing your Personal Brand, because people buy from people who they know, like, and trust. The sooner you can see the long term vision for your business over the short term idea that you should be compensated for every message you send, you will see your business expand. People can smell commission breath from a mile away! Download my Social Media Guide to help you master the basics of building your online presence and growing your business.

Attraction Marketing

Attraction Marketing is one of my very favourite ways of generating leads, because I love to teach and I love to share. It can seem a bit overwhelming at first thinking about creating content, and you may wonder if you have value to offer, but I use a simple strategy that helps me create content daily. I simply implement the practices of my business; learn something new through a training, read a book, and have experiences in my business that I can then turn around and share what I’ve learned with my network. Learn, Implement, and teach - which is exactly what we would be doing offline, so why not apply it to the online world. You want your Blog and your social media to be filled with value so your followers will recognize you as an authority who can solve their problems.

Networking Events/Meetups

I love 1 on 1 interaction and getting outside of my own head, so as much as I love building an online business and working from home, I also want to be connecting with like minds in real time. Live events help build trust more quickly in your community, but can also lead to developing stronger relationships in the online world. I try to find meet ups that inspire me but are also fun, and I look for groups with membership so I can see the same people over and over and build stronger connections and referral relationships. Remember that the key to success again is bringing value and follow up! If you’re looking for a global membership community I would highly recommend Ladies Who Lunch.

Living my Life

Now here is my tip for answering that - a lot of people will say be prepared with an elevator pitch or your 30 second story. For me, I may share a little bit about why I love what I do, but I rarely tell people what I do then and there. I like to create curiosity, and my typical language is this, “I would love to share with you how I’ve been able to….lets not talk shop right now, but why don’t you and I grab a drink sometime this week and we can chat more. What is the best way to reach you? Are you on Facebook? Here, add yourself”. Not only does this create curiosity, but it gives me a way to pre-profile who I’m talking to and learn what might be the reason they would want to work with me. You can tell alot about a person from their timeline, and whether or not you want to work with them.


Personal Branding StrategyLearn More

Do you feel like you’re running your business or that your business is running you? Does it feel like every time you hop on social media there is more competition in your niche, and you feel pressured to push harder to grow your business so you can stand out? Maybe you’re just tired of the way you were taught to build a business, and it doesn’t resonate with you. That’s how I felt, which is why I created this simple Strategy to help you discover your strengths and why people should do business with you. This is the strategy I used to grow a strong presence on social media to get people reaching out to me, and Im giving it to you for FREE.

Attraction Marketing Formula Learn More

Are you ready to kick rejection to the curb and learn how to attract the right people into your business? Discover the reasons you may be struggling to grow your online business, and how with a simple mindset shift and approach to your strategy, you can start generating more leads and start feeling positive and excited about your business.

Branding through BloggingLearn More

If you’re looking to build your brand through Blogging, but really not sure where to get started, this is the exact blueprint I used to not only build my blog, but to also uncover my message, who my target is, how I can serve them. This course also walks you through the exact steps you need to set up and promote your blog. I was able to implement this system in less then 3 days and use my blog to become an authority in my niche and industry.

If you found this information helpful, please share it with your friends!


Did you find Value in today’s tips? I sure hope so, because I know what its like to build and grow a business and I want everyone to have the freedom and flexibility that is possible when you do things in a way that align with who you are, and also with the business practices that work.

Care to share what you liked best in the comments below?

About Johanna Hunt

I teach entrepreneur minded professionals how to create abundance of time, freedom, health, and financial security. I have a multi faceted business in the Health and Wellness Niche, and my specialty is in online marketing and simple social media strategies.

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