

In the last year and a half of my journey working with Johanna, I have come so far. Even my husband has seen how happy this business makes me. I came from a very negative self doubting place, and have grown into a much happier, grateful, and appreciative person in life. I see now how lucky I am to be leading the life I have always wanted and worked hard for.

- Ashley Greer, Santa Rose California


I know you are busy with month end.. but I just have to say.. THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your time, and heart, and wisdom, and amazing vibe you have invested in me… I love the crap outta you girl.. and I sooo sooo sooo appreciate you xoxoxoxo

- Elizabeth Wilson Schaeffer, Sonoma California


Good morning Johanna, I got the samples yesterday and was impressed with how soft my skin was last night! Do you have a catalogue you could send to me? I was also wondering if you could send one of those sample packs to my mom? Thanks!

- Taryn Stuckenberg, North Vancouver BC Canada


Glad business is booming. And why wouldn’t it be…the products are amazing! I love everything I got and am now a lifer.

- Alicia Williams, Vancouver BC Canada


Referring my friends and family to Johanna Hunt is so amazing! Not only did I get a free salt scrub,  which instantly got me hooked on that whole line, but I got to shop for all my products at 80% off just helping out a friend! And just today she dropped of the eye cream for me too as another thank you for referring her a new business partner! A great gift to wake up to! Johanna sure does know how to treat her clients and referral partners! THANK YOU!!!

- Alicia Woods, Vancouver BC Canada


Great I’m looking forward to picking your brain and following your guidance! I would like this business to fit into my life part-time for now and slowly build the business with the future goal of it being full-time. I want to do this and definitely with you!

- Kristie Harrison, Wollongong Australia


Can’t wait to watch this today! I had a great chat w Alec lastnight about everything. So supportive, I feel so blessed! Again, thank you for your friendship and leadership.

- Jenny Johnston, Edmonton AB Canada


This was EXACTLY what I needed to hear jo! Love this video! Thank you so much for taking time to share with us and care about us so much. I love you. Thank you for always believing in us and showing us how to believe in ourselves!

- Kristiana O’brien California USA


Thank you Johanna!! You rock . always looking out for us!!

- Gabriela Davis, California USA