
Welcome to the portal

A sacred space for women to unleash their most authentic expression of self

A call to the wild feminine

A call to the wild feminine. The rebel hearted. The light worker. Leaders, influencers, entrepreneurs and  marketers. Women tired of the hustle and grind.

Tired of being everything to everyone accept all of who you are.

Are you ready to bring yourself into balance? To expand into your highest version of self? To come into energetic alignment with their mind body and soul?

I have a vision for:

More women leading the way and embodying their divine feminine essence. Attracting more wealth, love, and abundance...with more ease and flow.

Are you:

Tired of settling? Tired of over-giving? Tired of feeling unfulfilled? Tired of feeling stuck?

Are you craving deeper connection and intimacy but still so afraid to be fully seen.

Ready to break free? To  unleash the wild woman within? To untether your soul and un become everything that is no longer serving your highest self?

What if I could help you integrate more of you into everything you do?

For years I have been the "how to" girl. I know how to do almost anything, or I know I will figure it out. But if "how to" was enough, we’d all be skinny, rich, and happy.

Every woman who has come to me over the last decade for a product or a training hasn’t come for the "how to". They’ve come to me to satiate a craving. To feel more empowered. More alive. More fulfilled. More abundant. More sexy. More loved. More balanced within their mind, body, and soul. More free. Free to feel confident in who they are.

But until I was able to reach those depths within myself, to release the need for control and external validation, and to step into trust and all of my "being-ness", the "how to" was all I was able to offer.

And through my own awakening and expansion I’ve been able to step into a new space. A space where I can give you what you’re truly craving. A space where I can give you more of me. A space where you can safely show up as all of you.

To fill the gap of where you are versus where you want to be. And to find pleasure and playfulness on the path.

We are the feminine. We lead energetically. And when we learn to love and lead ourselves, every nook and cranny of who we are, we are powerful beyond measure.

So let's create a ripple.

I am opening up a sacred space for women who are ready to rise. Craving raw and real connection. Ready for movement. Ready to expand.

The portal to expansion is open. The portal to unleashing the sacred wild woman within who is craving to be set free, and to step into your unfiltered life, the most authentic version of you. 

Are you ready for your new beginning?

The portal is for you if you're desiring to

  • Reinvent yourself
  • Embody Radical Self love and acceptance
  • Connect with your inner wisdom and intuition
  • Show up consistently and unapologetically
  • Come into balance and inner union of self
  • Build unshakeable confidence to stand in your truth
  • Craft a vision for your life
  • Develop a daily ritual to support your unique frequency and expansion
  • Become the ultimate alchemist

Johanna is my soul sister, my virtual best friend, and an amazing coach. She has taught me so much in the few years I have known her; from how to build a business the right way, to most recently, helping me do the inner work needed to become the best version of me. Breaking down false beliefs I had of myself, making me realize my healing isn’t complete, and that it’s ok to pause and stand up for what I deserve. As a leader Johanna loves people where they are, but isn’t afraid of speaking the truth (isn’t that what best friends are for?)! From the day I found her online, I could relate to her. Our paths have been similar, but having someone steps ahead to help guide me has made all the difference.” 

Heidi Forward Kraft

what you can expect inside the portal

  • Week 1: Clearing out the old to create space for the new  
  • Week 2: Personal Responsibility is sexy AF
  • Week 3: Coming into Balance with your feminine and masculine energy
  • Week 4: You are the alchemist
  • Week 5: Manifest your deepest desires
  • Week 6: Live in the end result
  • Week 7: Becoming a vibrational match
  • Week8: Radiating core confidence from within
  • Week 9: Activate your inner masculine
  • Week 10: Commitment to this 1 thing changes everything
  • Week 11: Where are you disqualifying yourself?
  • Week 12: Are you ready to go all in?

© {2023}  Johanna Hunt. All rights reserved.