
It's time to be seen. It's time to expand.

This program offers guided content and one to one personalized coaching to gain clarity on your vision and your brand essence, uncover your most authentic expression of self, and develop a business structure that allows you to create more freedom and abundance with a business that is aligned to your passion and purpose. If you're ready for expansion without more hustle, this is the program for you.


Gain the confidence to take consistent action on the right tasks each day to market your business and serve your clients with a deeper knowledge of the skillset and mindset behind operating and marketing your business in a smart and leveraged way. ​

Bragging Rights

“Johanna is not only super talented, tech savyy, consistent in what she does, but she is a servant leader. Everything I know about social media marketing, branding and content I learned from her. ”

Vaida Cesnulyte, Finland - CEO Creaplan

Are you ready for your expansion?

Week 1 | Clarifying your vision and your brand essence

  • Get Clear on where you want to go 
  • Uncover the essence of your brand
  • Take stock of where you are and set new intentions
  • Identify limiting beliefs keeping you from your expansion

WEEK 3 | Designing your business structure

  • Creating winning rituals for energetic alignment
  • Systemizing your processes to leverage your time
  • Reforming your platforms  for an optimized experience for your clients

WEEK 2 | Monetizing and optimizing your brand

  • Learning how to diversify with value driven offers
  • Discover how to position these offers
  • Creating an experience for your ideal audience

Week 3 | 

  • Understand the principles of marketing and your positioning and relevancy in the market space
  • Gain clarity on the fundamentals of social media marketing and how they apply to your brand and business so you can apply them effectively
  • Develop a marketing plan and sales process to lead your clients on an epic journey with your brand to build that know, like, trust factor and long term relationships for repeat business

Week 4 | 

  • Breaking down action items for your 90 days into a strategic rhythm for implementation
  • Create ways to maximize and leverage your time
  • Creation of a Winning Ritual to keep you on the path of success

Week 5 | 

  • Define your brand and message, gain clarity on your avatar, learn to communicate with your ideal audience
  • Develop a lead generation and visibility plan for brand exposure to create content that converts and starts conversations with your ideal clients
  • Design a strategy that will put your brand in front of your ideal audience in a targeted and leveraged way
  • How to use small and big needle movers to create consistent momentum with simple tools to plan and schedule your business to keep you organized and in the flow

Week 6 | 

  • The importance of Mastering the Mundane and knowing what tasks to take action on daily to produce income (IPAs)
  • Developing solid habits and a daily method of operation for marketing and track your progress
  • How to use small and big needle movers to create consistent momentum
  • Planning and scheduling your business for success with simple tools to keep you organized and in your flow
  • Q&A

These customers love our product.

Here's why:

It's rare to work with a coach who can hold the complexity of an artist while offering the clarity of a strategist. James Gardiner is a high-performance coach, who with his years as a professional athlete, understands the mindset of what it takes to show up at your highest potential when it matters most. He knows and offers the high-stakes yet heart-based discipline practices needed to be a successful entrepreneur or C (L) suite founder and visionary. He is a listener with a mind for efficiency which is equally matched by his heart for connection. He speaks truth to you and your teams and he will always stand up for you and the podium goal you are striving for. All I can say is…”work with him”

Tina Overbury

Core Story Strategist, Author and Mystic

Johanna has really helped me simplify my business and feel more confident in my marketing. I love her coaching on endless content that converts. Coming up with content has always been a struggle but Johanna's strategies for branding and niching down were like a light bulb going off. I will never run out of content again.

Jayne Storier, AU

Coach and Digital Marketer

About Your Hosts

Johanna is a Social Media Marketing and Personal Branding Expert that helps Home Business Owners, Network Marketers, Affiliate Marketers, and Aspiring Influencers develop Influential Leadership...

:: So they can dominate their competition
:: Grow their business in a smart and leveraged way
:: Gain more freedom and abundance in their life
:: Create that passive and re-occurring income
:: Design a lifestyle they love

As a leader in the network marketing and affiliate marketing space for the better part of a decade, she has helped hundreds of professionals develop a successful social media presence to advance their side hustles into full-time incomes around their other commitments with Simple Social Media Strategies that work.

Being able to create multiple streams of income using Social Media has enabled her as a single mom to build an incredible lifestyle for herself and her 2 daughters in Vancouver BC, as well as travel around the world. She loves empowering people to chase their own dreams, find their unique strengths, and win in both their life and their business.

Are you ready to simplify your social media strategy? This program is valued at $1497 however you can receive all the 1:1 Coaching and Group Sessions for only...


  1. 1
    How much time will this take? 4.5 hours of training over 6 weeks, and 3 personal consults As much time as you want to devote to the work and the coaching sessions.
  2. 2
    Will I physically get anything from the course? Yes, you will get Trello templates, worksheets, and social media prompts as well as a strategic plan with specific action items 
  3. 3
    What is the format for coaching? Group sessions and 1:1 will take place on zoom, and the group sessions will be recorded to accommodate all participants.  You will receive emails with any necessary updates, forms, or homework outside of coaching time.
  4. 4
    Is there a money back guarantee for the program? No. We want you to be fully committed to your growth.

© 2022 Johanna Hunt